LCIS Archive

story type
trickster tale

Ananse and his Six Sons, 2002
Ananse and Jackass, 1991
Ananse and the Sky God, 1983
Ananse and the Sky God, 1983
Ananse and the Sky God, 1985
Ananse story, 1989
Ananse story, 1989
Ananse story, 1989
Ananse story, 1989
Ananse story, 1989
Ananse story, 1989
Ananse story, 1991
Ananse story, 1993
Ananse story, 1993
Ananse story, 1993
Ash Lad, The, 1984
Ashy Jack, 1984
Boy who Borrowed Bread from Death, The, 2005
Cook and the Ducks, The, 1986
Cook and the Ducks, The, 1990
Cow that ate the Piper, The, 1985
Death in a Nut, 2005
Death in the Market, 2005
Death in the Market, 2006
Five Lovers, The, 1983
Five Lovers, The, 1985
Him on the Path, 1996
Hodja Nasrudin story, 1985
Hodja Nasrudin story, 1996
Hodja Nasrudin story, 2005
Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Leary, 1999
Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Leary, 1999
Hungry Time, 1989
Jack Tale story, 1983
Jack Tale story, 1999
Kwao and the Tortoise, 1985
Kwao and the Tortoise, 1985
Kwao and the Tortoise, 1991
Lord's Prayer, The, 1999
Mulla Nasrudin story, 1985
Mulla Nasrudin story, 1996
Mulla Nasrudin story, 2005
Not Even God, 1991
Not Even God, 1991
Not Even God, 1993
Not Even God, 2005
Old Crow, 1989
Old Crow, 1994
Pardoner's Tale story, 1999
Peik, 1985
Peik, 1991
Seventh Father of the House, The, 2005
Shoes, The, 1983
Shopping Down the Bush, 1983
Si Djeha and the Robbers, 1987
Si Djeha and the Robbers, 1988
Story, Story, 1985
Straighten Up and Fly Right, 2002
Talking Skull, The, 1996
Talking Skull, The, 2000
trickster tale, 1983
trickster tale, 1985
trickster tale, 1986
trickster tale, 1986
trickster tale, 1989
trickster tale, 1991
trickster tale, 1991
trickster tale, 1991
trickster tale, 1991
trickster tale, 1999
trickster tale, 2000
trickster tale, 2000
trickster tale, 2000
trickster tale, 2004
trickster tale, 2004
trickster tale, 2005
trickster tale, 2005
trickster tale, 2005
trickster tale, 2006
Wakdjunkaga story, 1983
Winnebago Trickster Cycle story, 1983
Wisakecahk story, 1996