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WOSAS : F948 WOSAS/CD286/track3

Dame Ragnall
a King Arthur story

Sound recording, story; Dame Ragnall, a riddling tale from the legends of King Arthur told by Sally Pomme Clayton, as part of a public performance, Timeless Journeys at Watermans Arts Centre, London, 1989

Story told by Sally Pomme Clayton, about King Arthur being threatened with death unless he can find out what women desire most. An ugly women tells King Arthur the answer in return for Gawain's hand in marriage. Gawain agrees, the answer is given and he saves King Arthur's life. When Gawain kisses his wife she becomes beautiful and he releases her from her spell of ugliness.

audience:- adult
    recording quality
condition:- fair
completeness:- complete
duration:- 0 hours, 23 minutes, 19 seconds

storytelling:- storyteller: Sally Pomme Clayton
female / British

origin:- Britain Ireland Brittany

storytelling:- London, England: Watermans Arts Centre
public performance: Timeless Journeys

gift from:- storyteller: Ben Haggarty

©  The London Centre for International Storytelling: 2007
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